Vijay Goel

If Odd Even 3 is implemented without adequate preparedness then there would be a protest in Ramlila Maidan

MP Vijay Goel said that a survey should be done under the guidance of the Supreme Court or Election commission, which shall put forward the view of people of Delhi with respect to the next Odd Even scheme.
Mr. Goel said that is again Odd Even 3.0 is implemented without adequate infrastructure and public transport then on the scheme’s very first day there would be a rally in Ramlila Maidan by Lok Abhiyaan to strongly protest against it
Mr. Goel said that post Odd Even 1.0 without any survey that actually reflected the opinion of the public Odd Even 2.0 was implemented by the Kejriwal government, and due to this the people od Delhi had to face immense troubles.
Mr. Goel said that the Chief Justice himself raised concerns as to why was Odd Even not successful? He said that despite Odd even why hasn’t pollution and the quality of air improved in Delhi even though trucks had also been re routed during this time?
 Mr. Goel said that he would ask the Central government and the Supreme Court to form a committee on Pollution and Environment related matters. The aim of this committee would be to assess whether there is enough preparedness by the Delhi government before enforcing Odd Even 3.0 or is it again just a tool for publicity. Only when the committee is satisfied and gives a nod that there is adequate public transport and other modes of commute, only then will the third phase of the scheme be implemented.
Mr. Goel said that the government should answer that exactly how much has been spent on odd even 2.0? Whether 100 crores was spent on the advertisements of Odd Even 2.0 and if not then the publicity budget of the scheme should be made public. Pollution level reports by various agencies should also be made public. Why were 30% news cars bought due to Odd even?
Mr. Goel said that RWAs, NGOs, Traders associations, community organization etc. would join the protest at Ramlila Maidan. Meetings shall be held in parks in the morning and Odd Even 3.0 shall not be allowed to be implemented forcefully.

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